Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

Shine a Light: A Novel Method to Boost Your Vitamin D Intake

As we embrace the heart of fall and anticipate the arrival of winter next month, it's the perfect moment to emphasise the importance of increasing our Vitamin D intake. Adequate levels of this sunshine vitamin are a bonus and a necessity for optimal physical and cognitive health. A deficiency can profoundly affect our mood, energy, and mental sharpness.

But here's something you might not know: It's not just about taking Vitamin D; it's about ensuring our body can effectively use it. Nutrients typically work in synergy within our body, which is where magnesium enters the picture.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

Productivity Hack: When To Have Your Coffee for Better Performance

Chronobiology is all about understanding our body's natural rhythms. Our bodies have a built-in clock that runs for about 24 hours. This clock controls essential things like when we sleep, when hormones are produced, and even when our digestive system works best. When we follow this natural rhythm, it can support our health and natural flow. But, it’s human to also naturally mess up this internal clock with things like staying up late with artificial lights, travelling across time zones, or eating at odd times. There's a link between our body's clock and our metabolism, so changes in one can affect the other. Also, our genes can influence our health and our reaction to food.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

Managing Blood Sugar Spikes with Exercise: Timing Matters

In a world where our schedules seem to race against the clock, carving out time for exercise can feel like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Recent research paints an intriguing picture: timing could be the key to preventing obesity and slashing the risk of type 2 diabetes. In this article, we embark on a journey through the latest discoveries in the world of exercise timing, unearthing the untold benefits it might hold for your well-being.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

Your Ultimate Hydration Guide: And How Can We Do it Right?

Water is more than just a thirst quencher; it's a lifeline for our bodies. Doctors, nutritionists, and fitness experts agree that staying hydrated is crucial for overall health. But why is it so important, and how can we do it right? Let's dive in!

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

The Power of Breath: Exploring Mouth Breathing, Mouth Tapping, and Their Impact on Health

Take a moment to pause and consider something fundamental to your existence: your breath. The science of sleep and respiration has gained unprecedented recognition. We now have remarkable tools and technologies that enable us to track our sleep patterns and explore the intricate dynamics of our breath. Among the emerging health practices that have piqued the curiosity of experts and enthusiasts alike, two stand out: mindful mouth breathing and the intriguing concept of mouth tapping.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

20-Minute Secret: Boost Digestion & Beat the Bloat After Exercise

Turns out, that jog around the block or that yoga session you love isn't just great for your muscles – it's a superhero for your gut, too! We're diving into the awesome science that links exercise to a happy, healthy gut, stronger immunity, smoother digestion, and even a mood lift. Let's dive into the incredible benefits of exercise and learn how to keep post-workout bloating at bay.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

Calculating Recovery with ONVY: Comprehensive Approach

Recovery is a holistic measure that goes beyond mere physical rest. It considers various factors, including your body's responses and activity levels, to assess how well-prepared you are to face the challenges of the day ahead. One key aspect of recovery that deserves your attention is sleep - a crucial component for your mental and physical well-being. This blog will delve into why recovery and sleep matter and provide practical tips to help you optimise both.

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Nawar Kamona Nawar Kamona

The Science of Behavioural Change: Journaling for Improved Sleep and HRV

Behavioral change is a captivating field that uncovers the secrets of transforming our habits and routines to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. As scientific research illuminates effective strategies for behavioral change, one tool stands out for its power: journaling. In this article, we delve into the scientific approach to behavioral change and delve into how journaling can be a catalyst for improving sleep quality and enhancing Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Discover the profound impact journaling can have on your overall well-being.

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